› 2022, Architecture tours
› There is a spirit of change in Mexico: after decades of very few public buildings conceived by design architects, the government aims to use architecture as an important vehicle for social change. Currently, «social architecture», as the government calls it, is only being designed by a selected group of architects. However, everyone can learn from the works created so far. We will compare the government projects with buildings of NGOs, which had different conditions during their realisation.
› Starting in May, «Learning from Mexico» will organise architectural tours. In small groups we will visit contemporary public and social projects. The day tours will go north to the Estado de México, to the south of Mexico City and to Jojutla. Swiss architect and journalist Laure Nashed will explain the projects and place them in their current context.
› Tours are available in English, German, Spanish and French.
› Write to Lfm@Laurenashed.com for more information.
› 2022, Architecture tours
› There is a spirit of change in Mexico: after decades of very few public buildings conceived by design architects, the government aims to use architecture as an important vehicle for social change. Currently, «social architecture», as the government calls it, is only being designed by a selected group of architects. However, everyone can learn from the works created so far. We will compare the government projects with buildings of NGOs, which had different conditions during their realisation.
› Starting in May, «Learning from Mexico» will organise architectural tours. In small groups we will visit contemporary public and social projects. The day tours will go north to the Estado de México, to the south of Mexico City and to Jojutla. Swiss architect and journalist Laure Nashed will explain the projects and place them in their current context.
› Tours are available in English, German, Spanish and French.
› Write to Lfm@Laurenashed.com for more information.