Window screen design at Tilla Theus und Partner

Window screen design at Tilla Theus und Partner

Coop City St. Annahof Zurich
© Laure Nashed

© Laure Nashed

› 2016, designing the window foils in the Coop City St. Annahof Zurich during the internship at Tilla Theus und Partner in Zurich.

› A seemingly casual task became a great pleasure during my internship. In order to prevent customers from seeing the unattractive construction site on the neighbouring property from the staircase, the architect Tilla Theus decided to offer designed window foils to Coop. We decided to photograph façade elements of the heritage listed department store and then use them for the foils. Each window in the staircase shows different façade figures, which we composed individually. The light transmission, the surface of the film and the simplified representation were essential themes in this small project.

© Laure Nashed

› 2016, designing the window foils in the Coop City St. Annahof Zurich during the internship at Tilla Theus und Partner in Zurich.

› A seemingly casual task became a great pleasure during my internship. In order to prevent customers from seeing the unattractive construction site on the neighbouring property from the staircase, the architect Tilla Theus decided to offer designed window foils to Coop. We decided to photograph façade elements of the heritage listed department store and then use them for the foils. Each window in the staircase shows different façade figures, which we composed individually. The light transmission, the surface of the film and the simplified representation were essential themes in this small project.